Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Harvest by Haroshi: SKATE AND DESTROY

Now this is impressive. 'Harvest by Haroshii: Skate and Destroy' is an Exhibition recently shown a plsmis gallery in Tokyo. All of the images you see below are made from old skate decks. Most skaters will end up with piles of old delaminated and snapped boards kicking around the house if they are not left to die at the skate spot. They are either in that pile, given to kids or burned in the bonfire by your Dad. This guy had a different idea...

"I decided to make some accessories with the old decks and this was the birth of Harvest. The works of Harvest are through the perspectives of a skater and as an artist. As a skater, I want to take responsibility of reusing skateboards when they were no longer useable. Also, as an artist I want to explore the possibilities of what can be done with skateboards.

We see the care and effort that a skater can have for his/her deck and we also acknowledge the origins of a skateboard. We believe that if the small things we do can connect to sustainability then we’re doing something right. We’d be satisfied in our effort when people look at products and start thinking of ways to recycle.”

Stolen from HUH.MAGAZINE

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