Wednesday 10 February 2010

Guerrillas in the midst

The great comedian Bill Hicks (RIP) once said, "if you are in marketing or advertising... kill yourself. No joke here, really. Seriously, kill yourself, you have no rationalisation for what you do, you are Satan's little helpers. Kill yourself, kill yourself, kill yourself now."

He was a pretty harsh guy old Bill but i can see why a lot of people hate it. The reason it attracted me in the first place however was not exploiting people and clocking up the dollars, i'd be a fool if it was with starting salaries at an absolute pittance. It's the creativity you can express whilst trying to make a success of a brand or a service.

Something that i think most people will like is what is now referred to as 'Guerilla' advertising. The concept is basically that you can promote something around an imaginative, creative concept without having to spend a huge amount of money on the campaign.

The ideas behind the campaigns are often unconventional, interactive and unexpected. They can be pretty subtle like this Axe deodorant sticker..

or subtle as a brick..

Here's a few good'uns,

Mr Clean.

Interactive red carpet Nikon ad on the Seoul Subway. (motion sensors make the cameras flash)

And hey. if you're going to write a book about Geurrilla advertising why not make the book advertise itself, that's what the Tokyu agency did for the release of Gavin Lucas's book in Japan by the addition of a handle to the cover.

And this i just think is pretty shmaert..

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